When a low-ranking officer entered the room, he alerted his supervisor. The higher-ranking person in this situation is the DGP of Uttarakhand, whereas the lower-ranking person was a member of the Nepali police force.

The DGP personally traveled to Nepal after receiving the news regarding the usage of the chief of NIIA's bank.

It took them at least a day to establish that this wasn't some sort of trap before they arrived here, just as Karma had predicted.

The DGP was currently searching for the culprit at one of the Nepali police divisions when the low-ranking officer entered.

The officer said something to the DGP and, after hearing that, the DGP erupted in a rage and roared.

[DGP: "What do you mean he got away? How did you lose a kid?"]

Right then, some people entered the room, and Sushant was one of the people who entered the space at that same moment. As soon as he entered the room, Sushant approached the DGP and asked him questions.