As the two demons attached to the chopper attempt to drag it to the ground, the helicopter is trembling in the air.
The pilot was making every effort to prevent the demons from having their way since something inside him was telling him that his body would be torn to pieces the instant they touched the ground.
The police officers present at the site were making every effort to remain undetected while this was going on. Their instincts were screaming at them and telling them to avoid being the focus of those beasts' attention.
Even Arya was unable to intervene, content to just hold on in terror and observe what was occurring outside.
No other person at the scene, except for Karma, would have dared to hope that the day would ever come when they would see something so terrifying.
[Pilot: "Arghhh!!!!"]
With all of his strength, the pilot hoisted the helicopter up, and soon it was in the air.