Finally, the day arrived for them to begin their attack.
They were seated on their rock near the campfire in the morning to discuss a strategy.
(What is the plan?)
[Sparda: "My king, I propose that we mount a surprise attack on their boss. We can force others to submit once we have him"]
Karma was impressed with Sparda's strategy. But his ideas were not the same as Sparda's.
[Karma: "We won't be able to accomplish it."]
[Sparda: "Why not?"]
[Karma: "First and foremost, these are not ordinary people, therefore firearms will not be the only thing we have to be concerned about."]
Karma took a stick from his side and began sketching on the ground.
[Karma: "Secondly, we may expect an army of demons to await us, as we have faced many of them by now"]
Karma used his stick to draw a slew of little dots on the ground to depict the army of low-ranking demons.
[Sparda: "If there is an army, we simply have to get rid of it."]