[Karma: "A, God's sanctuary?"]
(Yes. And it appears that we were guided here)
He softly mumbled to himself as he comprehended.
[Karma: "By the light"]
Karma saw the light again and it went into the temple.
Karma followed the light, curious to see where it went, but came to a halt at the temple's door.
[Karma: "Wow~ this looks so beautiful"]
Made with very beautiful blackish stones, Karma was mesmerized by the beauty of the temple.
And not only the temple, the structure, the surroundings, the whole area, everything was so beautiful that it'd make any human daze at its beauty.
(Karma, we can discuss this later; let's go inside first.)
[Karma: "Yeah"]
Karma followed the light into the temple as well.
The temple was around the size of a three-story structure, which is rather large.
The fact that there was no shrine or statue of any God in the entire temple perplexed him the most.