He was immediately rendered blind by the sudden, brilliant sunshine as soon as he walked outside.

He took a minute to acclimate his eyes to the light and put his palms in front of his eyes.

Once he could see clearly, he noticed Agyat and Agastha enjoying a feast while seated around a bonfire.

He murmured as he drew nearer to them.

[Karma: "You guys seem to be having the time of your life huh"]

Agastha was seated on one of the circular, cut logs near the bonfire while holding a stick with a fish attached to it.

Agyat was also present to entertain his monarch.

Agastha glanced around as he noticed Karma approaching them.

(Oh, you're awake now.)

Karma was puzzled as he saw a fish on his stick.

[Karma: "I thought you claimed demons didn't have to eat?"]

Agastha bit into the fish, chewed it, swallowed it, and then responded.