Nothing for now

Karma went back to training with Sparda in the morning after eating breakfast.

His stamina and endurance were to be improved by this workout. Yup yup

He once more had to sprint around the practice area while carrying the same boulders on his feet.

He could only walk, though, as he lacked the necessary strength.

He was once more pulled by Sparda to his next lunch and his second training session with Agyat at midday.

He tried creating the flames that Agyat had shown him how to do, but it didn't work either.

Instead, he was once more forced to face the anguish in his eyes.

For almost a week, this cycle persisted. Every day, Sparda brought him to the practice area where he worked on his endurance before practicing generating the flames.

Karma's stamina and endurance had increased after a week had gone by. Agyat taught him a lot as well.