Dense forest ambush

Today was New Year's Eve! Bi Su had brought her to this cold and desolate forest, in search of Feng Qingmo! Feng Qingmo will be here?

Bi Su looked around vigilantly, and said in a low voice: "I saw him coming towards here at daybreak, I couldn't even find him here. I guess he must be here."

"The point is, what is he doing here?" Qi Yu did not understand.

In the distance, the sounds of horses' hooves could be heard. Bi Su and Qi Yu heard it and immediately hid in an inconspicuous place. Looking at the small convoy, Bi Su said: "abandoned crown prince is here!"

"The abandoned crown prince is out of the city, you want to pass through here?" Qi Yu looked at Bi Su, and a look of surprise flashed past her eyes, "Could it be that Feng Qingmo is going to ambush here to assassinate the abandoned crown prince?"

Bi Su was startled: "This … Impossible, right? "