I'm afraid i'm late

The aunt continued, "Of my four children, the second one died when he was young. Currently, the three children were plotting to live through the Uninjured City. Right now, he's in the Prince Jing’s Masion and can be considered to have some foundation in the Prince Jing’s Masion. If you need him, then get Song'er to look for him.

"Thank you, Auntie!" Qi Yu was extremely grateful. Even though he knew that she was not from Eastern Barbarian, her aunt still treated her with sincerity, uh, she had the urge to cry!

Coming out from the aunt's room, he saw Jun Zibi leaning against a pillar with his elbows crossed as he looked at the sky.

"What? You're standing guard?" Qi Yu stopped by his side and looked at him.

"My wife is in the top six, how can I not protect her?" Jun Zibi embraced Qi Yu's shoulder, "Wife..."

"Get lost!" Qi Yu flung Jun Zibi's hands off and glared at him. "Be careful that I don't beat you up!"

Jun Zibi laughed.