If you stop bleeding, And the body began to absorb the blood clot on its own, this was an optimistic phenomenon. The patient had passed the critical period. On the contrary, A cerebral hemorrhage would appear, and the cerebral hemorrhage would oppress the surrounding brain tissue. It would cause blood deficiency, oxygen deficiency, edema, and intracranial pressure to rise. It would hinder the flow of blood vessels. On the other hand, there would be an even more severe cerebral hemorrhage and brain edema. Intracranial pressure would form a vicious cycle, causing brain herniation and subsequent brain stem to bleed and endanger one's life.
"Lin Fei, Lin Fei said. You are no longer a doctor here. As Gu Yifan's family, I think you should know about his condition. He has stabilized now, so you should go in and talk to him. He needs you now. If that's the case, he will wake up soon. "
"I think he needs Lin Wei, not me at all. "