Happy reading



 Helena woke up from her sleep when she felt a tap on her arm, several times the clapping moved from her hand to Helena's face, until finally the girl woke up from being disturbed.

 "We have entered the Lebak area, I don't know which one is Alan's house," explained Alan explaining the reason why he woke the girl.

 "Sorry sir, I even slept and let you drive alone," said Helena feeling guilty.

 Helena really feels that way, because literally, Bastian is a person with good intentions to take himself to Banten. He should have accompanied the man instead of sleeping and letting him drive alone.

 "It's not Helena's problem, I also deliberately didn't wake you up because you looked very sound earlier," Bastian replied, assuring Helena that he was fine even though the girl had slept a while ago.

 "Drink, I bought it when I stopped at the crossroads."