Happy Reading

When Helena woke up, she immediately saw Bastian outside the car. It must have looked strange to other people, to see Bastian knocking on his own car door, or waiting outside his own car.

 Hurriedly, Helena opened the car door, then apologized for making Bastian wait outside for so long. Luckily, the man didn't get mad at him, even took him out for lunch.

 "Yes, report that you are being assigned to do a field survey with Alan," said Bastian.

 "Can it be like that?" Helena asked

 "I'm the boss, so I can do it, even if it's a bit out of procedure," Bastian replied lightly.

Helena chose to climb the stairs, for two reasons. First, he didn't want to be in the same room as the annoying Sonia, even though it was still morning and he was already this upset. The second reason Let's just say he is exercising by climbing the stairs manually to become healthier.