It Turns out to be You

Huang Ying held her head tightly and closed her eyes, not daring to move.

Bai Zheng's torch landed behind Huang Ying, forcing the snake to change its direction. It fell into the bushes on the other side and disappeared.

"Huang Ying, don't be afraid!" Bai Zheng whispered as she ran towards her.

Suddenly, a sharp pain came from his ankle.

Bai Zheng's footsteps suddenly stopped due to this sudden, unguarded pain.

She frowned and looked down.

Coincidentally, the place had been blocked from the moonlight by the dense tree leaves, making it appear pitch-black, and could barely be seen with the dim light of the torch in the distance, a similarly slender figure had left Bai Zheng's ankle.

Bai Zheng gasped.

At the same time, the piercing pain on his ankle disappeared and was replaced by a burst of numbness.

"This is bad!" Bai Zheng's heart sank, and quickly pounced to Huang Ying's side, picking up the torch on the ground.