Family Tutelage

Bai Zheng's face was filled with embarrassment, and she apologized: "It's all's fault. Zheng was clumsy, did not serve Uncle well, and let Uncle suffer …"

As she said that, she looked back at Bai Yizhang apologetically. Suddenly, she saw the movements of his hands, her sparkling eyes immediately lit up. She turned around enthusiastically and walked to the side of the purple-clothed maidservant, reaching out her hand to grab the dry cloth.

"It's all because of me that Eldest Uncle became like this. It's better that I help Eldest Uncle dry his hair, so that he can atone for his deeds!"

When the purple-clothed maidservant and Bai Yizhang heard this, they were so scared that their faces changed.

Especially Bai Yizhang, who shouted in a hurry: "No need, there's no need for you here, hurry up and go rest!"