New Store Open

At this time, the Eastern Avenue, the busiest street in Yongding City, was already bustling with people.

The five shops side by side had just taken off the red cloth covering them, revealing the grand signboards — "Glazed Glass", "Blue and White Porcelain", "Cosmetics", "Furniture", "Plush Doll".

These new terms were extremely novel, and they attracted the attention of many passers-by as they all stopped to peek into the shop.

Normally, when a shop opened in the city, it would rely on the sound of the gongs and drums to attract the attention of passersby.

However, these stores were different. After the smiling boss took off the red cloth, he officially opened the store.

When the people outside heard this, they all rushed to the door.

"These are the strange dowry that the Bai Family Third Miss gave us yesterday, right? Look at this mirror, how can you see a person so clearly! "