
Using poison in the manor was a violation of the prince's taboo, so it definitely wouldn't be a good thing.

Moreover, Ping Niang was Xiao Feimo's wet nurse. The entire Duke Palaces respected Ping Niang very much and didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest.

"Where is Shi Zhu?"

"Kneel in the prince's courtyard."

"Li mama, lead the way, I'll go take a look."

Feng Qingying quickly walked forward. She had never gone to Xiao Feimo's courtyard before, but she did not expect that the first time she went to find him, was actually because of this sort of thing.

Shi Zhu was rash, but still someone who knew the seriousness of the situation. She had no reason to poison Xiao Feimo's wet nurse, unless her brain was kicked by a donkey.

"How is Ping Niang now?"

"He's still unconscious. The imperial physician said that he's not in a good condition."

When they arrived at Xiao Feimo's Nine Reflections Hall, they saw Shi Zhu kneeling on the cobblestone floor as soon as they entered the door. Two mama, one in front of the other, were whipping her.

Shi Zhu gnashed his teeth in pain. Tears welled up in his eyes. Feng Family had always been kind and lenient. She had never received a punishment like this in the Duke's Mansion.

Seeing Feng Qingying and Yue Lanyi enter, the servant girls guarding the courtyard all bowed to the two of them. Feng Qingying's brows sank, and shouted, "Stop."

When the two mama saw Feng Qingying, they stopped.

Feng Qingying quickly walked to Shi Zhu's side and instructed the two mama. "You two leave, I'll talk to the prince about this matter."

The two mama looked at each other, but neither of them moved. It had been a month since the prince had visited the wangfei's courtyard.

"You don't understand me?"

Feng Qingying emphasized his tone, as he was already a little angry.

Yue Lanyi also followed along, and said to the mama, "You guys can leave! Elder Brother Xiao, I will go speak with him. "

The two mama knew how powerful the wangfei was, and in addition to Yue Lanyi's position in the palace, they retreated to the side.

Shi Zhu's eyes were red. He did not dare look at Feng Qingying and kept his head down.

"What's going on?"

Shi Zhu's eyes were red, he did not dare look at Feng Qingying at all. He had always kept his head low, and his voice was also very low, "Today, Ping Niang came to the courtyard to deliver Dong Dong Ri's clothes to the wangfei. This servant only wanted to properly greet Ping Niang, and heard that Ping Niang loved to eat osmanthus tea the most, so I brewed a cup of osmanthus tea for Ping Niang. "He fell on the ground."

As he spoke, Shi Zhu's voice became softer and softer.

Her princess had only just recovered, yet she'd already caused such a disaster. But she really hadn't thought that the cup of osmanthus tea would contain poison.

Feng Qingying roughly understood what was going on and squatted down to comfort Shi Zhu, "Who told you that Ping Niang likes to drink osmanthus tea, and who gave you the tea leaves?"

"It's Little Peach. She told this servant Ping Niang's favorite tea leaves are osmanthus tea. That tea leaves were also taken by this servant from her hands.

Only Feng Qingying could hear what he said, even if the others could, they would not believe it, for the other party would not let them find out about this.

Ping Niang's position in the Duke Palaces was different from ordinary people. If something were to happen, she might even have to take her life.

Shi Zhu felt that he had implicated Feng Qingying and was crying. Feng Qingying's face darkened, "Don't cry, this matter can't be blamed on you, but in the future, you have to be more careful, don't easily trust others."

After he finished speaking, Feng Qingying was ready to ask the servant girl in the courtyard where Xiao Feimo was.

Yue Lanyi, who was standing behind her, was the first to speak, "Elder Brother Xiao should be in the study room now, Big Sister Feng, don't worry, I will bring you to see Elder Brother Xiao, he won't blame you."

"Lanyi, thank you."

"This is definitely a misunderstanding, I do not want Big Sister Feng and Elder Brother Xiao to become unhappy because of this, let's go over right now." Yue Lanyi led the way, Feng Qingying followed behind.

Being born a military doctor, Feng Qingying had seen all kinds of serious and minor injuries. As long as she could cure Ping Niang's illness, Xiao Feimo should not want to take Shi Zhu's life.

Yue Lanyi and Feng Qingying walked to the outside of Xiao Feimo's study. After the maidservant reported the news, he replied respectfully, "Your highness has allowed my wife to go in. Miss Yue, you should go back and rest first."

Yue Lanyi was a little disappointed, but he still nodded his head obediently, "Alright then."

With that, he turned towards Feng Qingying and smiled, "Big Sister Feng, you better speak properly with Elder Brother Xiao. He is actually very easy to talk to."

"I understand, Lanyi. Sorry for troubling you."

Feng Qingying walked into the study room.

Behind him, Yue Lanyi lowered his head and walked back. The smile on his face quickly disappeared, and his eyes became deeper as well, revealing an unfathomable expression.

The study room was very big, with a light sandalwood scent floating in the air. Feng Qingying could tell from the smell that the incense was soothing, and it seemed that Xiao Feimo's sleep quality was not good.

There were many documents stacked on top of the broad desk, all neatly arranged. Pens, ink, paper, and ink were arranged in a very orderly manner. There were many things that were not messy.

"This concubine pays her respects to Your Highness."

Although she was not used to your position, she still asked for Xiao Feimo's help and naturally bowed.

When Xiao Feimo heard Feng Qingying's voice, he opened his eyes but no emotion could still not be seen from his face. "Princess, you came here to plead for mercy on behalf of that servant girl?"

"Yes." Feng Qingying lifted his head and looked Xiao Feimo in the eye, "Chenqie still wants to go and treat Ping Niang's illness."

"Even Imperial Physician Wang was helpless in the palace. How could the wangfei revive him?"

"Since there's no other way, why don't you believe in your concubine for once, your highness?"