Back Door

His voice was loud, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. At such a young age, his gaze was already very resolute, and his height was around the same as Feng Qingying.

Feng Yu was fourteen years old, and as the only son of Feng Family, his entire Feng Family placed great expectations on him.

"You should eat more until your meals grow taller!" Feng Qingru made a face at Feng Yu.

"Third sister, just you wait. In another two years, I'll be taller than father." The young lad was unconvinced, and a few of them laughed at Feng Yu.

Feng Qingying had not felt the warmth of a family in many years, but being suddenly surrounded by such a family, his heart felt very warm.

She really liked the atmosphere in the Feng Family. With regards to this identity, other than the Prince Regent's Consort, she also liked to accept and accept everything else.

Entering the main hall, only then did Feng Qingying notice the missing person, and asked: "Mother, where's Big Sis?"

Mentioning Feng Qingyun, the smile on née Qin's face instantly vanished.

Feng Qingrou, who was at the side, quickly replied, "Big Sis has been unwilling to leave her room for the past few days, and has always shut herself in her room."

"What happened?" Feng Qingying felt that something big had happened to the Feng Family from their worried gazes.

"Third Sister, it's just a chatterbox, let me explain." Feng Yu suddenly stood up, his face full of hatred.

"It's still not that Yang Qi, he somehow has his eyes on Big Sis and wants to marry Big Sis as his concubine. That's why Big Sis is so angry, what kind of place is Yang Family, how can Big Sis marry Yang Family?"

Hearing that it was Yang Qi who wanted to marry Feng Qingyun, Feng Qingying's face darkened as well.

Yang Qi was the youngest son of Great General Yang Yuanzhi, a well-known popinjay in the capital. Relying on his Yang Family, he had always been a tyrant in the capital.

The Emperor of Yan Kingdom was young, Xiao Feimo and the Great General were at his disposal. The Emperor did not have any real power, he was just a decoration, the power of the entire Yan Kingdom was in the hands of Xiao Feimo and Yang Yuanzhi.

Feng Qingyun was the eldest daughter of the Feng Family, a girl who was carefully trained by the Feng Family. She was proficient in zither, chess, calligraphy and painting, and had the most outstanding looks out of the three sisters.

Usually, Feng Qingyun looked down upon the silkpants the most, and hated people like Yang Qi with all his heart.

"Father, Yang Family has come to propose marriage?"

Feng Lun nodded heavily. "Yesterday, someone came to propose."

"Father should come down?"

"Qingqing, this matter can't be refused. They said they are here to propose, Yang Family is only to inform us."

With their current family background, it was basically impossible for them to contend against the Yang Family, and they didn't even have the qualifications to refuse.

"Second sister, why don't you go beg Prince Regent? If he were to interfere in this matter, even Yang Family would not dare to be so arrogant."

Your second sister just married into the Prince Regent's Palace, how can she possibly cause so much trouble for the Duke? "Lil 'Light, be careful in the manor. Don't worry about your family matters, we will think of another way."

It was because they didn't want to cause trouble for Feng Qingying that they didn't send anyone to inform Feng Qingying that they didn't have a family background, and that Prince Regent's Palace had a niece of the empress dowager.

Feng Qingying also didn't think about looking for Xiao Feimo. The more involved he was, the more he wouldn't be able to explain himself in the future.

"Father, mother, I'll go see big sister first."

"Second sister, I'll go with you."

Feng Qingying nodded, the two sisters stood up and left the main hall, walking towards Feng Qingyun's courtyard.

"Second sister, big sister has a very arrogant personality, if you really force her to marry Yang Qi, I'm afraid big sister will be unhappy."

Along the way, Feng Qingmei chirped continuously, her words were filled with worry for Feng Qingyun.

Feng Qingyun was that type of person who would rather die than give in. Based on Feng Qingying's understanding of Feng Qingyun, she felt that he had a high possibility of doing such a thing.

Since she had inherited this body, she would help Feng Qingying take on all these responsibilities. The most important thing was that she really liked this family.

"Third sister, don't worry!" I will try to get rid of this engagement. "

"I also don't think he's worthy of Big Sis. Yang Qi already has so many concubines, how can Big Sis marry him?"

The room was empty, so after asking maidservant, he found out that Feng Qingyun had gone out alone.

The two's hearts sank. Feng Qingru ran over to notify the Han Family while Feng Qingying took Forou and Shi Zhu out of the house to look for Feng Qingyun.

Due to the cold weather, there weren't many pedestrians on the street. The hawkers on the street were rubbing their hands together and peddling.

"Esteemed wangfei, isn't that young miss in front?"

Shi Zhu's eyes were sharp, he had already seen Feng Qingyun, and immediately bumped into him.

Feng Qingying looked in the direction where Shi Zhu was pointing, only to see that Feng Qingyun was being dragged by a few men into a carriage.

"Quick, follow that carriage."

Feng Qingying had a bad premonition and hurried the coachman.

The horse carriage turned into an alley and stopped in front of the entrance of a house in the innermost area.

The two men covered Feng Qingyun's mouth and forcefully brought him into the courtyard.

In the courtyard, a young man in a violet embroidered robe stood with his back to them and his hands behind his back.

"Young master, he's been brought over."

"Alright." Yang Qi turned and smiled as he waved, ordering his men to stand guard outside the residence.

Feng Qingyun was so scared that his face turned pale, he retreated continuously, "Yang Qi, what are you trying to do?"