Bandits on the Road

There were a total of more than a dozen men. Those men had strong bodies and were all wearing coarse clothes, the leader was wearing a tiger fur coat, and there was a terrifying scar across their entire face.

He didn't look like a guard, nor like a killer. Instead, he looked like a robber.

They had been on the public road the entire time, so there shouldn't be bandits around. Something was wrong. Thinking about how Zhu Yujin suddenly became ill today, Feng Qingying could faintly guess what was going on.

The Duke Palaces who were following behind surrounded Feng Qingying's carriage to protect it in the middle.

She didn't have many guards with her, only seven or eight. Facing a group of aggressive bandits, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

It would be impossible for him to escape unscathed today.

"Brothers, go and kill these guards. The woman inside is yours."

The knife-scarred man gave the order and all the bandits behind him rushed forward. The guards rushed forward to meet the enemy. Shi Zhu was so scared that his hands began to tremble and he almost screamed out.

Feng Qingying's face became darker and darker. The guards of the Duke Palace were actually not a match for these bandits, and in a short while, all of them fell to the ground.

She looked at him coldly, trying to decide what to do.

With her ability, it wouldn't be difficult for her to protect herself. The difficult thing was that she couldn't throw the stone bamboo and Forsythia to the bandits.

Feng Qingying held the dagger tightly in her sleeves. This was the last thing she needed to protect her life.

"Princess, when you find a chance, run. This servant and Shi Zhu will protect these people."

Seeing that they were unable to escape, Forcefully lowered her voice and said.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen to us." Feng Qingying's tone was extremely confident as he patted their hands and leisurely got off the carriage.

In another carriage behind him, Lateral Consort Li walked down in panic, his legs trembling, not daring to get close. She had always been timid and didn't feel like she existed in the manor.

"You are the Prince Regent's Consort?" The knife-scarred man in the lead sized Feng Qingying up.

"You know my identity and yet you still dare to stop my carriage?" Feng Qingying's tone was cold and his body had an imposing aura.

was a little surprised. He heard that the Prince Regent's Consort came from a declining Feng Family and this wangfei had been a medicine jar since she was young. However, what he saw before his eyes was completely different from what he had imagined.

"So what if she's a Prince Regent's Consort? When Xiao Feimo killed my father and brother, this hatred is irreconcilable, although the wangfei's appearance is not astonishing, she is also beautiful. I still have more than twenty brothers, I think they would be willing to reluctantly entertain her."

Wang Hai laughed brazenly, his sinister face had a scar on it, making him look terrifying.

Nine Dragon City's people!

With this thought in mind, Feng Qingying's heart sank yet again.

The imperial government had always wanted to eliminate the Nine Dragon City, but the mountain was easy to defend and hard to attack. Furthermore, they were dealing with Moon Kingdom previously, so they had no way of cleaning up the Nine Dragon City.

A few years ago, Xiao Feimo led his men to destroy this bandit's nest and killed the father and son of the village chief on the spot. Unfortunately, the second son of the village master was not in the mountain and escaped death.

This bandit in front of him said that when Xiao Feimo killed his father and brother, he was definitely the fish that escaped the net.

Wang Hai knew that she would pass by this road today, so someone must have revealed the news to him in advance. To kill by borrowing a knife, this move was indeed insidious.

"You are Wang Hai?"

Wang Hai did not bother with Feng Qingying and immediately ordered, "Take these girls away."

"Wait." Feng Qingying spoke out to stop him, and then walked a few steps forward, "Your enemy is the Prince Regent, even if you kill me, you won't be able to avenge it."

Knowing that his words would not have much of an impact, Feng Qingying did not plan to let Wang Hai leave just like that, "I've only been married into the Duke's Palace for a month, and once I die, the Prince will marry me again. It will have no effect on him at all."

"So what? If you want to blame someone, then blame yourself for being his woman."

"What if I can help you take revenge?"

After Feng Qingying finished speaking, he stood calmly in front of the carriage, waiting for Wang Hai's reaction.

Wang Hai stared at the woman in front of him. How could he believe in Xiao Feimo's woman? And even if this woman was enemies with Xiao Feimo, what method did she have to kill Xiao Feimo?

"Esteemed wangfei, death is at hand. Are you still trying to play tricks on me?"

Feng Qingying's eyes suddenly revealed sadness, "Actually, Xiao Feimo and I already have a blood feud, and his marrying me into the Palace is only a cover. Not only has he never entered my room once, he has also allowed his concubine to bully me. "

Saying that, Feng Qingying forced down a few tears, "If you can save me from home, I promise to help you take care of Xiao Feimo. I'm just a sickly person, are you afraid of me making trouble behind my back? "

The color in Wang Hai's eyes became deeper and deeper.

He had long known that the wangfei was frail and sickly, and the woman before his eyes looked frail as well. If she could be his spy within the estate, the chances of revenge would be even greater.

He might as well listen to what she had to say first. If she fooled him, he could immediately kill this woman.

Wang Hai stood motionlessly in front of his horse.

Behind them, Forge and Shi Zhu didn't even dare to breathe. Sweat dripped from their palms and foreheads. If they were to fall into the hands of these bandits, they knew what the consequences would be.

"I want to hear how you plan to help me kill Xiao Feimo."