Assassination at the Mansion of the King

For a total of two days, Feng Qingying stayed in her courtyard, letting people keep an eye out for any movements in the Feng Family. After finding out that there were no movements in the Yang Family, she was slightly relieved.

Only Xiao Feimo was able to do such a thing, but she did not know what method Xiao Feimo used, she did not ask, and Xiao Feimo also did not mention it.

"Princess, Young Master Shi is here."

"Yes." Lingtong went forward and reported respectfully.

Feng Qingying regained his senses, and walked towards the main hall.

Shi Yanfei was holding a cup of tea and was just about to drink it when he saw Feng Qingying coming in. He quickly put down the tea in his hand and bowed to Feng Qingying.

"Please have a seat Young Master Shi."

This time Feng Qingying was a lot more courteous to him, as he walked straight to the seat of honor and sat down.