
Great General's Mansion

"Young Madam, General did not see this servant."

The servant girl knelt on the ground and reported to Xie Wanzhu while trembling in fear.

Hearing that the servant did not see Yang An, Xie Wanzhu frowned, "Did you tell General that I made the soup myself?"

"This servant reports truthfully. It's just that this servant is not allowed to enter due to the people outside. I was also instructed to tell Young Madam not to disturb the general again in the future."

This time, Yang An's heartlessness far surpassed her imagination. No matter how hard she tried to please and apologize, Yang An would not meet her people, nor would he accept her kindness.

"Useless thing, you can't even do such a small thing."

Xie Wanzhu scolded as he personally went to Yang An's study.

These days, Yang An stayed in the study room. Other than occasionally having her child brought over to meet them, she had never seen Yang An before.