No Side Consort Required

"Tomorrow is the wedding. Is there still time?"

"There's still time. Let's delay it for now!" Since it's impossible for me to marry into the Prince Regent's Palace tomorrow, I might as well delay it, as it gives us all some leeway. Big Brother, you should immediately go to the palace to see the Emperor, and propose to him with the imperial edict. "

Zhu Nian held his head, his temple felt a burst of swelling and pain, he rubbed his temple, "It's already so late, the emperor is probably already resting."

"This matter is urgent and cannot be delayed. Don't worry, the emperor will meet with you. Big brother, since we're doing things for the emperor, we have to do them well. We can't let him down."

Seeing Zhu Yuejin's serious face, Zhu Nian dared not delay any further, and quickly nodded his head and agreed, "Alright, I will enter the palace right now."