The Emperor's Instruction

At night, when Feng Qingying and Xiao Feimo were having dinner together in the hut, Qiu Lan suddenly came over.

Xiao Feimo was currently preparing food for Feng Qingying, but did not have any reaction when he saw Qiu Lan coming over. He did not even ask, and waited for Qiu Lan to continue.

"Prince, wangfei, my young mistress accidentally knocked on her elbow just now. It wasn't light, and she bled quite a bit. Wangfei knows medicine, can you let my young mistress have a look?"

Qiu Lan was extremely anxious, she looked at Feng Qingying as she talked, waiting for her to speak.

Ah Nuo chewed on the dish in his mouth as he said unclearly, "If my mother wants to eat, isn't there an imperial physician?"

"The emperor has summoned Imperial Physician Jiang. She won't be back for a while, Miss's condition isn't too good. This servant humbly requests that the wangfei make this trip."