The Little Princess be in Danger

"Royal Father, what's wrong?"

A childish voice suddenly rang out in the hall.

Chief Protector looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a four or five-year-old girl standing behind a pillar. Her big eyes were curiously looking at Xiao Chengyan.

There was already killing intent in Chief Protector's eyes, he couldn't let a little girl get into trouble.

Rong'er had completely not noticed the danger approaching her. She skipped to Xiao Chengyan's side and pulled at his clothes, "Royal Father, what are you playing at?"

Xiao Chengyan was in a lot of pain, adding that he couldn't even speak, he simply didn't have time to bother with Rong'er. He reached out to push Rong'er away, wanting to get her to leave.

Rong'er fell to the ground and pouted, feeling wronged. "Royal Father is bullying me."

Xiao Chengyan did not look at Rong'er. He held his head with both hands and felt a headache coming on.