A Wise Man Who Sees the Times

The decree of 'marriage alliance' was delivered to the Zhu Residence on the same day.

Since they were all recuperating from their injuries, there was nothing amiss in the capital. On the surface, it looked extremely peaceful.

Xiao Chengyan did not give Zhu Yuejin much time, the Zhu Family were busy with matters of marriage, she did not cry nor make a fuss, and calmly accepted the marriage.

Xiao Chengyan was satisfied with her reaction.

Feng Qingying took care of Xiao Feimo personally every day, and under her meticulous care, his injuries healed very quickly.

On this day, she was reading a medical book in her room when Shi Zhu suddenly came over to report, "Princess, Miss Zhu has come to seek an audience with Princess Hua-Yang. Do you want to see her?"

"Bring her here!"

Feng Qingying had already heard about the marriage alliance, so her coming to find her at this time was probably related to this matter.