Be a Companion Together

When Feng Qingying woke up, it was already the afternoon of the second day. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Li Yuzhen, together with his child, guarding beside her bed.

Seeing her open her eyes, Ah Nuo was the first to rush over, "Mother, you're finally awake, you scared me to death."

"Qing Qing, you scared me to death as well. What happened to you?" The doctor said you were asleep, but you couldn't wake up. "

Li Yuzhen rushed over as soon as she received the news. She did not close her eyes the entire night, and had been guarding by the side taking care of them.

Seeing her panda eyes, Feng Qingying knew that she must have not slept last night. Just as she was about to speak, she realised that her voice was extremely hoarse, and Ah Nuo immediately ran over to pour her a cup of water.

After drinking the water, he finally felt a bit more comfortable.