Aren't You Afraid

That night, Xiao Feimo snuck into the Feng City with Lian Gu.

Feng Qingying was still busy rescuing the wounded. In order to facilitate treatment, he gathered the more heavily injured people together, and lightly treated them and allowed them to return home.

The entire Feng City was busy with reconstruction and cleaning.

Since the start of the day, fever had been occurring among the wounded, and by night time, the number of people with fever had increased to more than 20.

After Feng Qingying checked the symptoms, he told his men to separate the fever away and called the military doctors in front of him.

"Doctor Feng, why do we have to separate them?"

"I suspect that it is an epidemic disease. After the disaster, it is extremely easy to get infected by an epidemic disease. We cannot let our guard down."