The Only Way out

Zhang Tian's men easily took Xiao Feimo and Lian Gu away.

Zhang Tian was surprised, he had thought that Xiao Feimo had brought other people with him, and from what he knew, Xiao Feimo's martial arts were not bad, but he never expected that Xiao Feimo did not resist.

There were cells in the Feng City, and they kept Xiao Feimo in them. Su Tianhai was worried, so he got Zhang Tian to send some heavy soldiers to guard the cells, causing all the water in the cells to be blocked, even the flies wouldn't be able to fly out.

After Xiao Feimo was taken away, Shen Yu went to the side to talk, and then went to look for Zhang Tian alone.

Zhang Tian sat on the chair, and insisted on taking care of Xiao Feimo personally. Zhang Tian followed him.