To Do Anything for Him

Wen Lan stood there and did not move. The hand that was hidden in his sleeve tightly grabbed onto her skirt, and a few deep wrinkles appeared on her face.

She was naturally unwilling to do so. Even when she was with Wu Anzhou, she had never stepped past Lei Chi and had always kept to the rules, let alone Xiao Yi.

But Wu Anzhou's life was at stake, if she did not save him, he would be exiled to a remote place.

It was said that the plague was rampant there. Those who had been exiled there had never returned alive, and most of them had died on the road.

She couldn't let Wu Anzhou go to that kind of place.

Now, she knew very well that besides Xiao Yi, no one else could save Wu Anzhou.

"Since Miss Wen hasn't thought it through yet, then go back and think it over carefully. I'll wait for you."

Seeing Wen Lan remaining silent, Xiao Yi did not rush to remind her.