Chapter 40

Last Time:

That one question kept resounding in their minds. 'Why did my parents stop loving me?'


~ With Naruto – Fallen Birch Hotel ~

Naruto groaned as he and his team stepped into one of their rented rooms. After their meeting with the Hokage and his wife, no one said a word to him. Now, shit was about to hit the fan. 'Oh well..' Naruto thought as he sat down on the couch and turned to see all of the respective members of the team looking at him. "Alright, any questions?" Naruto asked. Karui was the first to walk up to him. "Yea, what the hell did they mean about their son?" She asked madly. "Did you kidnap the heir of the Namikaze clan? Does A even know?" She demanded.

"A knows about me and my past, as do Samui and Yugito. I have never kidnapped anyone." Naruto replied as he walked to the mini bar and pulled out a small bottle of scotch. It was quickly taken from his hands and gulped down by Yugito. "Alright, why are you being such a dick to them about their son?" He asked. "Because the abandoned him!" Naruto shot back as he tried to head back to the mini bar, but was blocked off by Samui. "I'm not going to get a drink, am I?" He asked. Samui shook her head and turned him back to his seat.

"Then why is it that they want to know about you?" Omoi asked. "Simple really." Naruto replied as he took a seat and looked towards them "Because I AM the firstborn of the Yondaime Hokage." Naruto finished, leaving Omoi and Karui in shock. "What the hell do you mean?!" Karui demanded. Naruto sighed and turned to Yugito and Samui. "Any of you want to take this one?" He asked, only for both if them to shake their heads. "Didn't think so.." He muttered as he turned back towards Omoi and Karui.

~ One LONG Explanation Later ~

"You..You're shitting us, right?" Karui asked in a nervous voice. Omoi, for once had nothing to say. "No, I was disowned at a tender age and adopted by a very… interesting group of people who taught me everything I know. After they passed on, I left and decided to head to Kumo." Naruto replied. "From then, I joined your team and we had our own little missions, up to this point." Naruto finished. "But as soon as word got out that a "Naruto Romanov" was out there making an impact.." Karui began. "They decided it was time to bring you back.." Omoi finished.

"Bingo, like a spoiled child who threw away a toy, then saw another kid pick it up and wanted it back." Naruto affirmed. "So then, how are we to know you won't be a flight risk or that you won't try to ambush our efforts to help during the invasion?" Karui asked carefully. "Because I expect you to remember I am still team leader here, and as such I know how to separate my personal feelings from the situation!" Naruto replied, then turned to the wall and saw the clock. '11:30 pm..' Naruto thought.

Now, it's late and we have to get up early tomorrow for the first part of the exam, so I suggest you get some rest." Naruto finished as he headed towards an empty room and crashed on the bed. 'Tomorrow's going to be hell…' He mused until he felt two familiar weights at each side of him. 'But I might as well enjoy my way down..' he finished with a large grin plastered on his face.

~ The Next Day – Outside of the Academy Entrance ~

Naruto, Samui, Yugito, Omoi, and Karui slowly made their way to the Academy where the first part of the Chunnin Exams was to take place. "Any ideas as far as what we do?" Omoi asked in a nervous tone. "Most exams consist of three parts, written, survival, and finally live action, though in no specific order." Yugito began. "As such, the written will be of little consequence." Naruto began. "Just answer enough so that you pass and make sure you don't get kicked out." He added. "The practical fights will be more difficult." Karui said with a frown.

"Exactly, we are all well above Chunnin level." Naruto agreed. "So we will have to tone it down so no one gets suspicious, agreed?" Naruto asked the team and they all nodded. "Perfect, now for the survival. We won't know the main objectives, but this won't be the first time we're in the middle of a hot spot." Naruto said out loud. "So for now, we just lay low and don't call too much attention to ourselves." HE finished as they arrived at the academy.

"Any questions?" He asked. No one seemed to have anything to ask. "Then let's go.." Naruto said as he headed towards the main door and looked around. 'Third floor…' he thought as he noticed the stairs. 'looks like we're hoofing it.' He thought as he and his team climbed up the stairs. As soon as they reached the second floor, they noticed a large gathering of Genin all around room 2-B. "The papers said third floor, didn't they?" Naruto quietly asked Yugito. She nodded and walked through the crowd.

"Please, we really need to take this test!" A girl with panda buns pleaded to an odd man guarding the door. "Listen toots, if this is your current power level, we're doing you a favor." The man shot back to the girl. "Notice anything familiar about that guy?" Naruto asked a passing Samui. She looked at him and didn't notice anything in particular that stood out to her. "Not really, why?" She asked as they neared the stairs to the third floor. "Look at his bandages.." Naruto said to Samui.

She turned and saw that this genin had them on in the same fashion as the Chunnin that guarded the village gates. "You don't mean.." Samui began as she turned back to Naruto. "Bingo, looks like a small test to weed out the weakest participants." Naruto replied with a smirk. "Hey, why don't you drop the genjutsu already?" A cocky voice said. Naruto turned to see a boy with black hair walking towards the men guarding the door like he was god's gift to the world. "Damn it Sasuke, that was meant to weed out the weaker genin. You just doubled our competition." A familiar voice said.

Naruto turned to see his little brother standing there. He stood at 5 foot 4, wearing a black pair of cargo pants and a burnt orange t-shirt with black ninja sandals. Around his neck was a black ninja headband/ He had his red hair tied into a ponytail and his brown eyes looked at the prick before him fuming. "Whatever, dobe." Sasuke replied. Naruto curled his hand into a fist and took a step forward, but was quickly pulled upstairs by Omoi and Samui.

As soon as they were out of view, they let him go. "What the hell are you thinking?" Yugito asked him. "I.. I don't know." Naruto replied as he unclenched his fist, truly unsure of who he was going to kill. "Remember, keep your cool, and it will keep you alive." Samui said as she took his hand into hers and kissed it. "If you don't we'll bring you back to life just to kill you." Yugito added. She might have acted like she hated him, but it wasn't that. She hated the thought of losing him, and with his little brother and family there that possibility became a reality.

Naruto took a deep breath to calm himself. "Alright, I'm good." Naruto said as he got up. "Then let's go!" Yugito replied cheerily and dragged him to the testing hall. As soon as the door was opened, all of the participants inside shifted their attention towards them and sent a pathetic amount of killing intent. Naruto shook his head. "Yugito, show them how it's done." He muttered. The girl nodded and looked at the whole room, she unleashed a massive wave of killer intent towards them, making most of them fall or look away.

"That's enough.." Samui said as she placed a hand on Yugito's shoulder. "Alright, lets go take a seat." Naruto said. They all nodded and walked past the Konoha rookies, until a certain Inuzuka had a slip of the tongue. "Look, it's Darth Vader." He muttered, making fun of Naruto's helmet. Naruto turned and saw the boy laughing loudly. 'Red fang marks on his cheeks, small white pup on his head, and slitted eyes. This one must be an Inuzuka.' He mused. "Come on, guys, Leave kibble breath to his business." Naruto said, making the Inuzuka growl.

"What did you call me!" Kiba demanded. "You heard me kibble breath." Naruto said, making the Inuzuka nearly jump at him. Kiba was quickly caught by Shino. "Please do not taunt my team mate, shinobi-san." HE said in a monotone voice. "Then keep your dog on a leash, or next time I'll have him neutered." Naruto replied, making Kiba wince. "Man, how do you sleep at night with that sick mind?" Kiba asked.

"Usually on top of someone and passed out." Naruto replied as he took a seat next to Samui and Yugito. Kiba was quickly sent flying back with a nosebleed and both girls were left with blushes. "Whats going on there?" Samui asked as she pointed towards the interaction between Kabuto and the rest of the Genin. ' Kabuto Yakushi, one of the inside men, if I remember correctly..' Naruto thought. "Let's just watch for now.." Naruto muttered.

He and his team watched the exchange between Kabuto and the Konoha Genin teams. "I would like some information on Gaara of the Dessert." Sasuke said as he turned to look at the redhead from Suna. 'That's Gaara?' Naruto internally asked as he turned to the semi psychotic redhead sitting a few rows above him. Yugito turned as soon as she heard the name and saw the redhead sitting a few rows above them 'So that's what was locked up in the armory..' She thought.

'Kitten, you might want to steer clear of that boy.' The Nibi inside of Yugito warned. 'Why, Nibi? What's wrong?' She asked her inner demon. ' That boy has one of my brothers sealed in him Judging by the black rings around his eyes and the fact he's from Suna, it's Shukaku, the one tail.' Nibi said. Yugito nodded and turned to Naruto. "Nibi says we should steer clear of that Gaara. He's the one tails host." She whispered softly. Naruto listened intently and nodded while keeping an eye on the team from Konoha.

A genin from the sound team jumped and tried to attack the Konoha Genin, only for them to completely avoid it and get through relatively unharmed. Kabuto ducked under a strike to his head, but suddenly bent over and threw up. 'Interesting, maybe manipulation of bodily acids? Nah, improbable. Maybe some sort of sound manipulation that messed up his center of balance.' Naruto mused as he watched the ongoing conflict. The two Genin looked ready to throw down, but were cut off as a large poof resounded in the room and a cloud of smoke gathered.

"Alright, settle down maggots, or I'll have you thrown out of here quicker than a horse runs out of a glue factory!" A man with a black headband in a black trench coat and all-black ninja attire yelled loudly. Everyone shut up and turned their attention to him. "My name is Ibiki Morino, and I am the proctor to the first part of the Chunnin exams, and from here on, your worst nightmare!" The man finished with an evil grin. "The Chunnin Exams have officially begun!" He exclaimed loudly.