Chapter 78

Last Time:

"Now, let's have some breakfast." Naruto said with a smile.


~ With A and Mabui ~

It was a sunny morning as A and Mabui walked down the clearing towards Mount Mayinashi. "Well, let's hope that things go smoothly.." Mabui said as she walked alongside the imposing figure of the Raikage. "We bought the brat breakfast and we're letting him off the punishment, he'll get what he's getting and he'll be happy about it." A replied in a grumpy voice, making Mabui sigh. "You never did like having to swallow your pride, did you?" Mabui asked, slightly peeved at her boss. A huffed and walked ahead, only to stumble into Yugito and Samui walking a man dressed for manual labor to the main pathway.

"Yugi-chan, Samui-chan, what are you two doing out here?" Mabui asked in a cheery voice, making A sigh and roll his eyes. "We were just walking to go get some breakfast, and we ran into Tamachi-san." Yugito said as she looked to the man wearing a hat to obscure his face, his black hair put into the cap and looking down. "He just finished setting up the gas line to our new home." Samui finished cheerily, making Mabui look to A. "Srry, Ma'am, but I got to get goin. Lots' o work to do." The man said as he left. Mabui tried to pinpoint his chakra, but noticed it was different. Dense, yet stronger than even A's.

"Get him!" A said as Mabui, Yugito, and Samui ran after him. They followed him down an alley, only to find him gone. "What's the big deal?" Yugito asked the Raikage who was following close to them. "I didn't authorize the gas line to be activated today. Neither I nor the Gas company sent him." A stated, watching as Yugito's and Samui's eyes widen. "Shit, we need to get home." Yugito said in an urgent tone, followed by Samui. A and Mabui took off after them, not slowing down for anything. "What's wrong?" Mabui asked Yugito, when the young kunoichi turned to her. Yugito had a worried look on her face and spoke "We left Naruto-kun asleep!"

~ With Naruto ~

Naruto looked to the large TV screen as he sat in his bunker. "Naruto, Why are you blowing up your own house again?" Natalya asked. "I'll explain it to you as soon as I die." Naruto said, getting a raised eyebrow from Natalya. "What do you mean, Naruto?" She asked, but Naruto sighed as he watched Samui and Yugito approaching the home. 'Please, make sure Yugito doesn't get hurt by the explosion.' He prayed to whatever deities were watching. Natalya huffed and watched the proceedings in the screen.

~ With The Others ~

Yugito sped up and headed past Samui, running to the door. She slammed it open, only to be blown back as the door scraping against the handle lit a small spark and blew the house up. "Naruto!" Samui yelled as she caught Yugito and laid her down. In a split second, she was already heading towards the home. She was quickly caught by A and restrained. Mabui quickly called out for Anbu and began running ground control, trying to get the blaze of fire under control. Yugito winced as the Nibi began healing her with her demonic chakra, tears streaming down her face.

Samui collapsed to the ground as the fire blazed through the house, the water jutsu doing little to control the flames. Mabui quickly grabbed the two girls and carried them to the side, trying to calm them down as A growled. 'Damn it, Naruto! What the hell have you done?!' A internally demanded as he instructed the nearby Anbu to continue shooting off water style jutsu to the house.

~ Time Skip – 3 Days Later ~

It was a cloudy day, the atmosphere was grim and heavy with sorrow. There was a large procession going through the Village Hidden in the Clouds. A and Atsui held one side of a coffin and Darui and Killer Bee carried the other side of the coffin. Behind them, Samui and Yugito walked hand in hand, dressed in black and their faces blank, not an ounce of emotion displayed on them. 'Damn it, to think this happened to him..' Darui thought as they arrived to the grave plot where Naruto was to be buried. 'Naruto's coffin was then set down by the men and everyone took a seat.

Darui looked around to see only a few people scattered around. Yugo, Yugito, Samui, himself, Atsui, Killer Bee, A, Mabui, Karui, and Omoi seemed to be the only people to have shown up to the funeral. " Friends and Family, we are gathered here today, not to mourn the loss of one of our dearest friends, but to celebrate his life.." The man running the funeral said, announcing the beginning.

~ Time Skip – After the Funeral ~

Yugito and Samui were sitting in the Raikage's meeting room, the council of Kumo having been waiting for them ever since the day began. As soon as A walked in, the council turned to the girls. "We can now begin with the issue at hand." A man said as he stood up. A nodded for them to continue. "we are here to discuss how the late Naruto's assets may be best used to benefit Kumo." He said, making Yugito and Samui glare at A, then to the man from the council. "Since Naruto-san had no will, we have decided to allow his closest friends to decide how the assets will be used." The man continued, but was stopped as the door opened.

"On the contrary, Naruto-san had a last living will and testament with me." The tall, lanky man said. He had his greasy hair pulled back and a grin splattered across his face as he walked in and set the suitcase down. "What proof do you have of this?" The man from the council said, only to shut up as A glared at him. "Do you have any proof this will is legitimate?" He asked. "Of course. The witness is Yugo Ashikoba." He said as he called in the mortician. "Did you witness the will be written?" A asked the man, only to get a nod in affirmative. "Alright, I'll allow it." A said as he motioned to the lawyer.

"I am sorry, where are my manners. Daichi, Daichi Ikematsu, at your service!" The man said to A as he pulled out a large manila folder. "Alright, here are the documents that were signed to prove the will is real." Daichi said as he pulled out several sheets of paper and handed them to A. A checked them over, and after a second, nodded to the man to proceed. "Everything seems to be in order. You may continue." A said. The lawyer nodded and began reading from the folder. "All property, including but not limited to weapons, jutsu, bank accounts, money, and land are left in the care of Samui and Yugito Nii. Under their care, the bank accounts will be invested flourish." Daichi read out loud.

"No word of my death is to get outside of the village, especially not Konohagakure No Sato. Yugo is to get 5,000 Ryo from my bank account and my lawyer is to get 15,000 Ryo. That is my last will and testament." Daichi finished and put away the file. "I am to make sure that the estate is divided per his instructions and that my commission is delivered on time." The lawyer said, making the rest of the council member glare at him. "This must be what Naruto had to take care of." Yugito whispered to Samui, a slightly relieved look on her face. Samui nodded and then turned to A.

"I take it our business here is concluded?" Samui asked in a calm voice, making A sigh in desperation. "That is all. Dismissed." A said, letting Yugito and Samui walk out of the room. As soon as Samui and Yugito walked out of the Raikage tower, they quickly shunshinned to the base of Mt. Mayinashi.

~ With Naruto – In The Bunker ~

Naruto sighed as he heard the door to the bunker open and the girls enter. "Naruto-kun?" Samui called out as she and Yugito walked around trying to find him. "In here." Naruto called out from the meeting room. Yugito and Samui made their way to the debriefing room and found him sitting down at the table. "What's going on?" Samui asked as she walked in, only to see all of the Avengers assembled in their respective screens. "Good, now that everyone is here, we can finally get some answers." Natalya said in a 'no-nonsense' tone, making the girls take a seat.

Naruto sighed and began. "Well, first of all, the record. Mission to the land of Snow was a success. We managed to take down a tyrant and restore the original princess to her throne." Naruto said, getting a groan from Captain America. "Great." He muttered as he tried to avoid the incoming impossible story. "Alright, report." Tony said as he activated the recording software. "Alright, it all started when.." Naruto began.

~One Long Explanation Later~

"So, you managed to overthrow a tyrant, restore a princess, and made a snow country turn to a land of spring?" Tony asked in a bored tone, getting a nod from Naruto. "Ok, I'm going to publish these. They're getting better every chapter." Tony muttered as he closed the recording file and turned to Naruto. "Now, what happened with the house being blown sky high?" Natalya asked. Naruto sighed and turned to Samui. "You want to take this one?" He asked, only to get a quick "No" in return. Naruto sighed and turned to Natalya.

"Well, it all started when I got back from the mission…" Naruto began. He told them of his little run in with A and how the Raikage had tried to trick him out of his three year leave. "So, this bastard tried to stop you from leaving, despite the fact you told him about the madman's rantings?" Tony asked, pissed that despite the fact he had done so much for Kumo, they still wanted to keep him locked in a cage. "Exactly. That's when the house came in." Naruto said as he got up and was about to begin explaining what happened. "And you decided to fake your own death, didn't you?" Natalya asked him.

Naruto nodded, making Natalya sigh. "Please tell me you remembered to get a body about your size, shave off the fingerprints, and managed to get a mortician to help you clean up the mess." She said as she rubbed her temples. "Come on mom, I'm not an amateur. You taught me better than that." Naruto said to her, making her smile. "Wait, she taught you how to fake your own death?" Yugito asked, impressed by how thorough his education had been. "Of course. It was one of the first things she taught me." Naruto said. 'Wow, I wonder what else she taught him..' A certain demoness in Yugito's head said, making the girl sigh.

'Nibi, come on! That's his mother!' Yugito shot back to the demoness. 'Of course, what was I thinking? It must have been the hunk in the suit and glasses.' Nibi commented, making Yugito's eyes widen. 'That's..actually right. How did you know?' Yugito asked the demoness. 'He looked like a geek. Most geeks are freaks. It's an age-old rule.' The Nibi said, making Yugito sweat drop. "so, now you're dead and have all the time in the world. What do you plan to do?" Cap asked, curious as to why Naruto had wanted the time off. "Simple, I'm going to train." Naruto said as he pulled out various scrolls and unfolded them, calling Tony's attention to them.

"Is that?" He asked, curious. "Yep. It's the exact thing we've needed to get our masterpiece into the works." Naruto said to Tony, making him look at the schematics with a critical eye. "Yea.. this might work." Tony said. "I've already got a shipment of chakra conductive metal and extra strength steel we can modify to make it as strong as adamantium." Naruto said to Tony, making the man nod. "What else do you have planned to do?" Hawkeye asked. "I'll be doing some training with the bats and I'm going to master my lightning affinity." Naruto said in a sure tone, making Yugito look at him.

"How exactly do you plan to do that?" She asked. "Darui gave me a scroll detailing the steps on the way back and he also told me about his laser circus jutsu." Naruto replied with a grin, making the girl nod. "And we'll be training in our own devices, getting better with what we have and what we can do." Samui said, getting a nod from Naruto and the other girls. "Things are going to get real now guys." Naruto said as he rolled the plans up. Yugito nodded along with Samui, making Naruto smile. "Then we have a lot of preparing to do."Naruto said as he rolled the schematics up.

A/N: Alright, tomorrow is the last chapter, and the time skip begins! Yay! But alas, it is still another chapter.