Four Spirit Stones

"Big brother Zheng!"

Zhao Zheng heard the call and quickly turned around to put the clothes on Lin Min'er.

"What are you doing out here? The weather is cold, you can go back first. "

Lin Min'er shook her head. Under the moonlight, she gently placed her hand on Zhao Zheng's.

"Brother Zheng, I know you are depressed. Let me accompany you. Don't worry about Shuning and Huai, they are already fast asleep."

Zhao Zheng nodded and tied Lin Min'er's clothes tighter to ensure that she wouldn't catch a cold.

"Brother Zheng, are you really determined to host the Spiritual Energy assessment?"

"Yes, Father promised me that if I were to participate in this year's host, I would be able to obtain four Spirit Stone."

Four Spirit Stone? What did Zhao Zheng want the Spirit Stone for?

As if responding to Zhao Shuning's question, Zhao Zheng said, "Huai's body has been delicate since childhood, the Spirit Stone was able to open his bloodline, making his body stronger. As for Shuning, Lin Family did not open the Spiritual Energy for her back then, I hope she can borrow the Spirit Stone's power to become a Beginner Apothecary."

Lin Min'er had already expected this to happen. Zhao Zheng had an obsession in his heart which was related to Zhao Shuning's future and Zhao Zheng's former dream.

Zhao Zheng sighed, "In this world, if they don't have Force Value s, they won't be able to protect themselves. It's all my fault for being incompetent and being able to do these trivial things."

Not far away, Zhao Shuning's body trembled and her eyes gradually turned red.

Everything that her father had done, was all for her and her brother?

She clenched her fist as a blue flame appeared in her palm. Although the flame was weak, it was real.

Opening Spiritual Energy?

No, she did not need Lin Family. She, herself, already had the ability to break through the shackles of the first layer of Spiritual Energy.

"Most children only open the Spiritual Energy at the age of twelve, becoming the first stage's Apothecary. Besides, Shuning doesn't know if she has the talent to become Apothecary. After all, in the entire Great Land of Dongze, only a small number of children have this kind of talent."

Regardless of Shuning's talent or not, as her father, I naturally have to help her pave the way for the future. Min'er, you don't have to worry about that.

Zhao Shuning answered her own question and stood up. It was time for her to go back.

However, when she stood up, the tree branches underneath her feet made an extremely uncooperative sound.

The two men beside the clear lake raised their eyebrows and looked in Zhao Shuning's direction.

Zhao Zheng and Lin Min'er couldn't see clearly in the dim light of the night. They only saw a child and thought that it was a child from some family who sneaked out to play in the middle of the night. The couple was about to speak, but the child disappeared into the night very quickly.

Lin Min'er covered her mouth in shock. "Brother Zheng, did you see that?"

The man nodded with a look of disbelief on his face.

"How can that child be so fast? It's Apothecary? "

"It should be. Or rather, she's not just Apothecary."

The child's body was surrounded by a halo of fiery red light, a symbol of the Spiritual Force. Although it was faint, Zhao Zheng was clear that the Spiritual Force s were the abilities of alchemists.

"There's actually Apothecary in the Zhao Family Village? Or a child? "

Zhao Zheng still had lingering fear in his heart. Judging from the child's height, he was only about four years old, and with such skill, he must be at the top of level one, Apothecary. Let alone Lin Min'er, even the experienced Zhao Zheng couldn't believe it.

A four year old Apothecary was already a rarity. A four year old alchemist had never appeared before in the Great Land of Dongze.

"Could we have seen wrongly?"

Zhao Shuning, who had returned to her room, was rather upset.

In the past, she had never owed him such a huge favor. Even her only respected master had always maintained an icy cold expression. Whatever she wanted, she had to fight for by herself.

No one had ever carefully protected her like a precious gem in their palm.

Zhao Zheng was young and famous, and he was full of arrogance. But now, for his daughter, he was willing to accept such humiliation.

Family love was actually this marvelous. It was able to link people together and was willing to sacrifice their lives without seeking anything in return.

Ye Ling had never experienced such a warm relationship in her previous life.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night.

The next day, with the sun shining brightly, Zhao Shuning woke up very early.

She changed her clothes and waited for Zhao Huai to take her out.

Every year at this time, Zhao Huai would come to find her and go to the Great Zhoushan to gather herbs.

When they reached the mountain, Zhao Huai, like the previous times, put her in an open cave and found her some new flowers and plants to play with.

He said that he was going out to gather herbs and told Zhao Shuning not to run around.

Zhao Shuning nodded. Thinking about it, he was going to feed that Flying Serpent again.

The Flying Serpent was a strong attack, even the An clan's An Susu's Heavy Named Bird was weaker than it.

An Susu was Apothecary from the Seven Realms. She was a woman with a very high status in the Great Land of Dongze.

Back then, they were also the main force that had surrounded and annihilated Ye Ling.

On the way here, Zhao Shuning had investigated Zhao Huai's Spiritual Energy, which was also his Force Value. She discovered that he was not lying, and he truly did not have a trace of a Spiritual Energy, let alone Apothecary.

Could it be that she was really mistaken before?

Divine Beast would usually sign a contract with Apothecary, and once the contract was signed, the spirit between the two would be established. Apothecary would be the sole owner of the Divine Beast for all eternity.

And if Zhao Huai did not have the Spiritual Energy, how could he control the ferocious Flying Serpent?

When she thought of Flying Serpent, Zhao Shuning once again thought of her phoenix. That year's battle, she risked her life to protect her phoenix as it left.

I wonder if the phoenix is still alive?

"Little Phoenix, you must survive. This emperor will also bring you along to slaughter our way back to Great Land of Dongze!"

As Zhao Huai left, Zhao Shuning also found empty space and started to concentrate on training her Spiritual Force.

The key for Apothecary was the Spiritual Energy, and the key for the alchemist was the Spiritual Force.

If Apothecary was considered to be an extremely rare existence in Great Land of Dongze, then an alchemist was as rare as phoenix feathers and qilin horns.

She used to be Empress, and in terms of Spiritual Force s, she could be considered to be extremely talented, but it was a pity that Zhao Shuning's body was only that of a child.

Furthermore, there were no shortcuts in the cultivation of Spiritual Force.

While she was holding her breath, Zhao Shuning's heart suddenly quivered.

"Not good, big brother is in trouble!"