
No one knew what happened to the Zhao Family siblings on the mountain.

On the way home, Zhao Huai told his father that he accidentally slipped and his clothes were cut by a stone, causing him to bleed.

Although Zhao Zheng had his doubts, he chose to believe in his child.

Two days before the Spiritual Energy test, Zhao Huai took the initiative to look for Zhao Zheng, saying that he also wanted to participate in the test and had displayed a few weak Force Value.

Although the Spiritual Energy was weak, there was no doubt about it.

Not knowing how his weak son suddenly became enlightened, Zhao Zheng was overjoyed and immediately agreed. On the second day, he brought his family to the Qinghui Town.

Just as he stepped into the Zhao Family courtyard, he met a young man.

Judging from his appearance, he should only be two years younger than Zhao Zheng. Beside the man was a little girl in red clothes. Although he wasn't as tall as Zhao Huai, he was probably around the same age as Zhao Huai.

Zhao Zheng ignored the man and walked past him.

"Oh, why is Big Brother willing to come back this time? Did you pick up all the firewood from the Zhao Family Village? "

In order to supplement the family, Zhao Zheng would sometimes find firewood to sell in addition to hunting. This naturally became the main topic of discussion for some people.

Anger was written all over Lin Min'er's face. "Second brother, is this how you treat your brother?"

Zhao Xue laughed contemptuously, "Zhao Zheng abandoned his family seven years ago. He doesn't count as one of my Zhao Family, and now that he has lost all his Spiritual Energy, he shamelessly came to Qinghui Town to host the exam. Wasn't it for those four Spirit Stone?"

Zhao Zheng had anticipated this scene. Since he decided to come, he wouldn't care about these rumors.

Seeing Zhao Zheng turn a blind eye to him, Zhao Xue's heart was set ablaze with anger, "Zhao Zheng, I'm talking to you!"

Zhao Xue raised his hand. He was a Second Rank Warrior, Apothecary. With this palm, Zhao Zheng would definitely be injured.

Zhao Huai's hands and eyes were quick. He suddenly stopped Zhao Xue's actions and dissolved his attack.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough ~ ~ ~"

With just a little force, Zhao Huai could not stop coughing.

Seeing this, Zhao Zheng hurriedly pushed Zhao Xue's hand away and asked with concern, "Huai, where is the discomfort?"

"What future can a sickly plant raised by a good-for-nothing have?" Zhao Xue put his hands down angrily.

Every word was like a knife stabbing into Zhao Zheng's heart.

"Tomorrow during the Spiritual Energy test, Xiangxiang will compete with your sickly son. At that time, don't cry in front of your father if you lose face."

The veins on Zhao Zheng's hand were popping out, he had no other choice.

For the sake of the four Spirit Stone, he could only endure.

Zhao Xue got lucky with his words. Just as he was about to leave complacently and walk to the door, he heard a clear childish voice behind him.

"Father, who was that monkey who was screaming just now?"

Zhao Xue was shocked. His subordinates behind him were also stunned. They all turned around and looked at the innocent looking little girl in the yard.

"Who are you talking about?" Zhao Xue asked while grinding his teeth.

"Shuning, that's you, Second Uncle. You can't be rude."

The little girl nodded, as if she understood something, "Oh, no wonder. Second Uncle is truly an extraordinary hero. He looks like, um, just like the big roosters in our family, full of fighting spirit and power."

Zhao Shuning kept clapping her hands as she spoke.

Everyone held back their laughter and didn't dare to make a sound. Zhao Xue's face was now completely red, "Zhao Zheng, this is the child you taught. He has no respect for his elders and has no manners!"

When Zhao Shuning heard this, she felt wronged. She looked at the crowd eagerly as if tears were about to flow out of her eyes in the next second.

"Who are you showing this expression to?"

"Wuuwaa ~ ~ ~"

Zhao Shuning pursed her lips and started to cry without any warning. Her voice was loud and clear. This cry immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

Zhao Huai's heart ached for his sister. He wanted to go up and coax her, but the girl lightly touched his arm. Zhao Huai saw that Ning did not cry and even gave him a meaningful look.

Immediately, he understood.

More and more people gathered in the yard, and the crying of the little girl grew louder and louder.

"Hey, what are you howling for?" Zhao Xue was upset by the little girl's crying. He walked up and wanted to pull the little girl away, but the crowd's weird gazes nailed him on the spot.

It is disgraceful for an adult to bully a child.

And right at this moment, a voice sounded from the outer court.

"Elder Zhao has arrived."

Hearing this, the little girl cried even more fiercely. Zhao Xue's head had become two big heads.