Blow Dog

"Thank you —"

Before Zhao Xiangxiang could finish her sentence, she saw Zhao Shuning giving her a weird smile.

Then, she fell heavily onto the ground.

Zhao Shuning was doing it on purpose!

The corner of Zhao Xiangxiang's mouth twitched in pain, but she didn't dare to cry. Her father had said that crying in front of others was the most shameful thing.

Zhao Shuning walked over and smiled. "I'm sorry, sister. You're too heavy. I couldn't hold you back for a while."

After saying that, she tried to help Zhao Xiangxiang up, but at this moment, a big hand pushed Zhao Shuning's hand away. Then, with heartache, it helped Zhao Xiangxiang up from the ground.

"This Zhao Xue, he's too rude."

"That's not it. You should haggle with a member of the younger generation."

"He wasn't like that when his daughter severely injured Zhao Shuning."

"But you know, this is strange. These two are level one Apothecary, but why is it that this Zhao Xiangxiang can't even take three moves from Zhao Shuning?"

Below the stage, everyone was discussing amongst themselves.

"Sorry, Second Uncle, I was trying to pull sister up."

"Zhao Shuning, you little girl, you have too many eyes. Don't touch Xiang'er, just move your dirty hands away."

Zhao Shuning merely shrugged her shoulders in the face of Zhao Xue's harsh words and retracted her hand.

To be honest, she didn't want to touch Zhao Xiangxiang yet.

If it wasn't for the regret she felt after injuring Zhao Huai, Zhao Xiangxiang's current fate would not have been as simple as losing two front teeth.

"Father, I'm in so much pain."

Zhao Xiangxiang's mouth was covered in blood. Her front teeth fell to the ground with tears in her eyes. Zhao Xue's anger almost broke through his logic as he attacked Zhao Shuning, who was four years old.

Zhao Xue gritted his teeth and whispered: "I will make you pay."

"No worries, I love beating a drowning dog."

Zhao Xue carried Zhao Xiangxiang down the stage. Before leaving, he glared fiercely at Zhao Shuning, but Zhao Shuning didn't care. She had lived for so many years, why would she be afraid of a small fry like Zhao Xue?

Furthermore, even if Zhao Xue didn't cause trouble for her, she wouldn't let him off so easily.

What he had said to his father earlier, Lili would return to him later.

It was not certain who would not let go of who.

After the father and daughter pair left the stage, there was a deafening cheer.

Level One Apothecary!

A four year old level one Apothecary!

Their Qinghui Town, there was hope.

Elder Zhao's eyes almost narrowed from laughing. The wrinkles on his face seemed to have become a lot more amiable.

Zhao Zheng and Lin Min'er were still in a state of shock.

It was only when someone went up on stage and congratulated him that he finally reacted.

Shuning is Apothecary? Apothecary! As his father, why had he not heard of this news until just now?

Zhao Zheng looked at Lin Min'er. Apparently, Lin Min'er also had a look of disbelief on her face.

"Grandfather, I've won."

"Xiao Ning, tell me what you want. As long as grandpa has it, I can give it to you."

However, Zhao Shuning shook her head at this time. "Grandfather, I don't want those precious Spirit Stone s or medicinal herbs."

The old man was still as amiable as before. "Then when you think of what you want, can you tell grandpa?"

"Grandfather, Shuning thought of it now."


"I want to compete with Second Uncle."

"What?!" The old tutor's voice suddenly grew much louder.

The people present instantly quieted down and looked at the elder and the youth on the stage.

"I said, I want to compete with Second Uncle." Zhao Shuning's young and tender voice was sonorous.

Was this girl crazy?

What kind of powerhouse was Zhao Xue, was he someone she could challenge?

Did she really think she was invincible after defeating Zhao Xiangxiang?

Too arrogant!

However, Zhao Shuning didn't seem like she was joking. At this moment, Zhao Zheng and Lin Min'er panicked. Even Zhao Huai, who was lying on the couch, clenched his fists.

Ning, does she know what she's doing?