Concocting Pills

At this time, within the mountain behind Qinghui Town that was five kilometers away, Zhao Shuning found a cave.

A thick layer of spiderwebs covered the exterior of the cave. It seemed that no one else had been here before.

Taking out the luminous pearl that she had prepared earlier, Zhao Shuning's petite body slowly walked into the cave.

As soon as she walked into the cave, she felt a chill hit her face.

Zhao Shuning could only use the faint light of the Night Pearl to see the path in front of her. The deeper they went into the cave, the more unique the cave became, and on the wall, there were many images of evil spirits, causing Zhao Shuning's hair to stand on end.

Zhao Shuning initially wanted to find a more spacious place to rest, but something seemed to be guiding her to go deeper and deeper inside.

Passing through the narrow channel and wading through the lake water, Zhao Shuning's eyes were impressively bright.