A Gentleman on the Surface but a Villain on the Back

But luckily, the people in the group right now all had decent strength. In addition to Zhao Shuning's good guidance, after running for a few times, even though they were in a rather sorry state, they still weren't injured by any of the attacks.

Today, not long after they had escaped, Zhao Shuning and the rest were sitting on the grass, breathing in the fresh air in big gulps.

Duo'er and Xia Mu were currently taking care of Kong Shishuang's injured arm that had escaped earlier.

Zhao Shuning was just about to say something, but when she wanted to ask everyone to end the battle quickly, she suddenly felt a force that could break the wind come from behind her.

That speed was so fast that it did not give the crowd any time to react.

Instinctively, Zhao Shuning knew that the direction the force was pointing towards was clearly Kong Shishuang, who was just inches away from the Xiaoli.