
Zhao Shuning had wandered around the Maze for nearly half a month. Just as she was about to find a way out and was secretly delighted, a bellow came from the depths of the forest.

Zhao Shuning was stunned.

She immediately jumped up to the leaves of a towering tree to the side.

With the help of the lush branches and leaves, he was able to hide most of his body.

Not long after, a Spirit Beast appeared in Zhao Shuning's line of sight.

No, it's not a Spirit Beast, it's an ancient Demonic Beast.

Speaking of Huodou, it had a long history. It had the appearance of an ape, and its skin was as black as charcoal. It can spew fire like a local man, so it's also called a fire-eater.

Because it often brought about disaster to the people of Great Land of Dongze, in the eyes of the masses, it was not a pleasing Demonic Beast.

In the Great Land of Dongze, there were very few people who would choose it as a mount.