Breeding Demon Beast

"This is Maze Forest? "It looks very desolate."

The only response he got from Zhao Shuning was the cries of some small animals.

Zhao Shuning felt bored and looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, she took out the Bag of Universe and shook it lightly. A huge ape like animal came out from the Bag of Universe.

When the Huodou first came out, it was extremely excited, surrounding Zhao Shuning, rolling and bowing.

Zhao Shuning rolled her eyes at it. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no one by her side, she wouldn't have let this big trouble out.

Seeing its cheerful look, the smile on Zhao Shuning's face slowly became apparent.

"Hey, don't run around."

"Huodou, if you dare throw me another stone, I will shave off all your hair and let the wind chill your buttocks."

"Damn you, do you think I'm joking with you?!"