Binding Mesh

Fu Nian was a Grade Five Alchemist.

Alchemists at this level could already be considered rare in Great Land of Dongze.

In addition, he was the head disciple of the association, so his status was also higher than other high-level alchemists.

Over the years, Fu Nian had taken in many Junior Brothers and Sisters. No matter how wild they were, they had to respectfully address him as Eldest Brother on this sacred altar.

A teenager like Zhao Huai, who took the initiative to provoke and hit his gun on the first day, had basically never happened before.

"Junior probably doesn't understand the rules of the Sect. Today, I will teach you."

Fu Nian's ten fingers kept changing, forming a strange seal. When the seal was in Fu Nian's hand, it was still in the shape of a gossip, but when Fu Nian released it, the form of the seal started to change.

That seal was like a huge net, rushing towards Zhao Huai.