
The roars of Flying Serpent and the ability of the Candle Dragon to overturn rivers and seas.

Just by swinging their huge tails, they had already exhausted the people who were defending against them.

Feng Zhan wasn't afraid of death, but he felt that it wasn't worth it to just die like that.

Following the roars of the Flying Serpent and the Candle Dragon, the eyes of those commoners who did not have Spiritual Energy or were weak at the Spiritual Energy had already bulged out, and their nerves were in chaos as they fainted on the ground.

In the entire Ministry of Judgment, only Feng Zhan, Ling Sese, three Apothecary, and two other alchemists remained.

"Young Master, I'm sorry, we were the ones who harmed you."

"What's the use of saying all these now?"

That monstrous flood was about to destroy the entire Daliang, but right at this moment, a new power poured into their backs.

Shen Dai turned around.