I've Got Something to Say to You

"Where did this stinky girl come from? She actually dares to meddle in our own affairs!"

"Xiaotang, come to uncle. I'll take you to see your father."

As the bearded man spoke, he was about to grab Gong Xiaotang. At this moment, Zhao Shuning's eyes flashed, and in the next second, her sharp sword left its sheath.

The sharp sword was pointed directly at the man's chest. If the man took one more step forward, he would pierce through his chest.

And now, blood could already be seen on his chest.

"Damned girl, you're courting death!"

Zhao Shuning took a step back without any fear in her eyes. "Who the hell are you?" she asked directly.

"I'm Xiaotang's uncle. I've already said that before."

"Xiaotang's uncle, why doesn't Xiaotang know you?"

"I said it before, she only saw me once when she was born. At that time, she was still a baby, so what can she remember?"

Zhao Shuning sneered.

"Then how did you recognize her now?"