Corydalis Radix

Zhao Shuning looked at the incense. There was still about a minute.

Later on, when all the alchemists had grasped the basics of the technique, there were very few sounds of the pill furnaces exploding.

It seemed that they had started to find the pattern as they groped.

Zhao Shuning held her breath and placed all her strength on the stove in her palm.

The flames rose slowly.

Zhao Shuning heaved a sigh of relief. From the looks of it, she was a little nervous as she started to choose the herbs that could be used by high level Pill according to the mental cultivation method.

Then he added them one by one.

Yes, one by one.

The temperature of each herb was different, and the time it needed to be refined was also different. He could not pour everything into it like he had done before.

Zhao Shuning's memory was exceptionally good.

Therefore, when she added in the medicinal herbs, she seemed to be especially attentive.