Purplish Gold Black Robe

On the way back, there was a person standing by the roadside.

It seemed as if that person had been waiting for her for a long time.

"Elder Xia."

Xia Wanning looked at the teenager in front of her and replied, "Zhao Huai, it's so late. Why aren't you resting?"

"I have a few questions that I would like to ask Elder Xia."


Zhao Huai's face was gloomy. He took out a book from his pocket, pointed at it and said, "I want to know why this book has my sister's name on it."

Xia Wanning took a casual glance and instantly felt uneasy in her heart.

She quickly took the book and said in panic, "Zhao Huai, this is a book that records students in the Order. Look at what it is for. Also, this book is in my room. Why did you enter my room without permission?"

Zhao Huai said, "I'm investigating something. Now, I have some evidence. I want to know why Elder Xia recorded my sister's name in this book."