
Lin Siyuan led everyone into the courtyard.

It could be said that they turned Zhao Huai's courtyard upside down, but even if they searched meticulously, they didn't dare to mess up the things in the Zhao Family.

Because at this moment, Zhao Shuning was leaning against the door frame, staring at them without moving.

When Lin Siyuan turned around, Zhao Shuning would even give him a "sweet" smile.

However, this smile truly made one's hair stand on end.

They searched for an entire hour, but were unable to find the youth.

After a while, Lin Siyuan led everyone out of the courtyard.

After they left, the people from the Zhao Family let out sighs of relief.

"Shuning, are you alright?"

"Not bad."

"Are you sick?"

"Father, I haven't."

After sending Zhao Zheng and Second Uncle away, Zhao Shuning walked towards Xie Ang.

She slowly walked over, and Xie Ang couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster.