The City Gate be Open

Song Zhiyi was in a state of upheaval of mind at the moment.

Strange things had happened frequently in the past two months.

Those missing men were mysteriously drowned, their bodies appearing in Zhou Guan's vicinity one after another. However, the matter had not been resolved yet, and at the beginning, they came to behave atrociously.

Song Zhiyi held the pen in his hand, and started to memorize the characteristics of the corpses one by one.

He was intelligent since childhood.

But he had always believed in common sense.

Therefore, Song Zhiyi did not believe it at all. He believed that Sister Ling's vengeful spirit had come back to take her life.

However, he still hoped to see Sister Ling's soul. Maybe he wouldn't blame himself as much as he was now.

"City Lord, there's a woman outside the mansion who says she wants to see you."


That girl should be the younger sister at the beginning.