Face Transactions

At this time, within Cangwu Country.

A shooting star streaked past.

However, the shooting star did not vanish. When it reached the ground, it lost its glow, and then transformed into a woman.

Gu Zhiruo happened to pass by.

The lady was clad in a green dress, and she was unconscious on the spot.

Feeling that it was inappropriate for a girl to lie on the cold floor, he ordered someone to bring her back.

Then, he looked at Shengjing.

He knew that the Yuan family's twelve courtyards had been destroyed in Youzhou.

Yuan Xin was furious.

Ye Zichen swept all the papers on the table to the floor.

"That little girl Jun Xin, why hasn't she made any movements yet? Hasn't she caught the murderer yet?"

"Reporting to my lord, the Cloud Mist Alliance was burnt three days ago."

The hostility in Yuan Xin's eyes became even more intense.

"Where's Jun Xin?"