It's Me I'm Back

Xia Wanning's heart was filled with anxiety.

A strong sense of familiarity spread through his body.

He felt suffocated.

After the white light disappeared, everyone looked around and saw that Xia Wanning had also disappeared.

When everyone looked into the distance.

The white light dissipated.

Phoenix's figure shrunk to around five meters. At this moment, there was a young girl standing on her back.

The young girl's green clothes fluttered in the wind.

Her long hair had reached her waist.

She stood on the body of the phoenix.

The dagger in his hand glinted with a cold light.

Unbelievable. Just now, she had used that dagger to cut open the 30,000-meter prison of light.

If someone was careful, they would notice that there was a piece of jade embedded in the handle of the dagger. That piece of jade was the piece that Yan Ruyu destroyed a few years ago, the piece that Zhao Shuning stole from Wang Xiling.