Red Gauze Woman

It was rare for Mo Yan to be willing to let her go for a walk one day.

Zhao Shuning packed her luggage that night.

Because five hundred years ago, when there were still no Bag of Universe, Zhao Shuning had created her own Bag of Universe according to the method her master taught her.

On the day she left, Mo Yan had just finished discussing some important matters and hurriedly came to see her off.

Seeing her, Mo Yan's smile intensified.

Zhao Shuning asked doubtfully, "Is there something to be happy about?"

Mo Yan nodded.

"In three months, Lou Lan and Ruo Qiang will hand over their best disciple to the Vast Sky School. When that happens, you should also go there."

Zhao Shuning said, "Are you that happy about this?"

Mo Yan's expression was serious.