Discriminating Clouds and Mud

The night wind.

Slightly brushed past.

The atmosphere.

It was slightly awkward.

Zhao Shuning was currently wearing a green robe, and a green veil covered her face.

Under the ancient tree.

There stood a youth.

This was the young prince Xia Qingyan that he had met a few days ago.

The winter moon was a bit cold, but it could also be considered bright.

Xia Qingyan had been standing under the ancient tree for many days already. She had a lot of things on her mind tonight, so she stayed for a while longer.

Just as he was about to leave and turn around …

He saw a young girl, a young girl with a green veil covering her face.

Is it her?

Those eyes couldn't fool anyone.

Xia Qingyan smiled at Zhao Shuning.

Zhao Shuning knew that he had already recognized her and that there was no one behind her. If she left now, she would be even more embarrassed if she met her again in the future.