Mystery Ninth Grade

This scene.

It stupefied all the women present.

Most of them grew up in the village, so when had they ever seen such a scene before?

Zhao Shuning kept all the Nascent Souls inside the Bag of Universe and tied the bag.

Without his Nascent Soul, Master He was no longer alive.

Zhao Shuning pointed her long sword at the so-called master.

At this moment, the man's body couldn't help but tremble.

No, it should not be called a man now, it should be called an old man.

"Use a baby's Nascent Soul to feed your Spiritual Root. Master He, isn't your method of protecting your youth a bit too far behind?"

The old man was panting heavily.

He retorted, "If I had enough money, I would have gone to find those high-level alchemists to buy the Cosmetic Cultivation Pill, but when I was young, I didn't have that much money. Now that I'm old, using the Cosmetic Cultivation Pill is useless, so I had no choice but to do this."