Black Robe

Within his line of sight.

They were all old and complicated roots.

Black river.

Corpses littered the ground.

Faintly, there were also hovering vultures in the sky.

What is this place?

Zhao Shuning had never seen it before.

In the next moment, a furious roar resounded in her world.

"Scram, all of you scram for this sovereign."

Such a familiar voice.

Zhao Shuning followed the sound and floated to a place similar to a palace.

The way in which this palace was constructed was somewhat similar to Lou Lan's.

In the innermost room, the sound of something falling could be heard once again.

Zhao Shuning floated towards him.

Only now did he realize that the room he was in was actually not a room, but a large palace.

Above the palace, a black clothed man was seated.