Jianghu Warlock

The palace was very large.

When Zhao Shuning found the Mortal Core Pavilion.

Wu Xuan just happened to enter the room.

Zhao Shuning glanced at the maid guarding outside and went into the dark. She changed her clothes and followed the next apothecary into the Qing Yun Pavilion.

The alchemist thought that the lass following him was someone from the King's Manor, so he didn't say anything.

As for those from the Wang Clan, they thought that the lady behind the apothecary was his disciple and thus, they placed them in there as well.


Then, they would be able to hear the argument between Wu Xuan and Xia Yan.

"Princess, children are fated to be together with you. In the past, you did not come to see him anymore."

After seeing the apothecary.

Xia Yan replied, "Sorry for the trouble, Senior. Someone, bring Senior to Young Prince's room."

Zhao Shuning turned around.